

Saturdays & Sundays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Mondays & Thursdays 9:00 am - noon

Our Location in Fort Williams

Enter Fort Williams at 1000 Shore Road, and follow the signs to Officers Row. We are in the second large brick building - look for our red, white and blue bunting! Our phone number is 207-808-8127. 

 Free parking is available in the back of the building with a handicap accessible ramp taking you to the front. Our entrance is through the doors on the right of the front porch. Please ring the doorbell and we will greet you!

Stop in and pick up some summer reading. Here are the books we have for sale.

Past to Present                       $20 

Cape Elizabeth Cookbook      $20 

Trolley Book                            $10 

Shipwreck at Portland Point $10 

CE and the American Revolution   $5 

A Maine Town Responds (Civil War)$10 

A Fallen Star                                    $25