
Upcoming events:

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024 - Lifesaving Station Storied History

Meeting at 6:30 in Thomas Memorial Library’s Community Room.

With Don Kennel

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024 - Behind the Scenes at Fort Williams

Meeting at 6:30 in Thomas Memorial Library’s Community Room.

Past Events


Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024 - Ralph Gould Collection of antique musical instruments

Jim Rowe led a program on one of Cape Elizabeth’s most revered citizens, Ralph T. Gould (1900-1994). Special focus was placed on his remarkable collection of rare and ancient musical instruments and other stories, photographs, and artifacts from this interesting man’s life!

Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 - Story of Cape Elizabeth water and sewer: How we got to today

Resident Paul Hunt recently celebrated his 25th year working for the Portland Water District. Paul pulled together many old photographs and some old stories about how, when and why the drinking water and wastewater systems we use today in Cape Elizabeth were constructed. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - Veteran Recalls His Posting at Fort Williams (1946-1948)  And Annual Meeting 

96-year-old Cliff Eaton shared memories of his life as an 18-year-old Army enlistee, whose only station during his military service was at Fort Williams between 1946 and 1948. Cliff’s interesting stories were emhances with original pics that he took (and processed) while exercising his hobby in photography.  

This was also our annual meeting, which included election of officers.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 - From Trolley Park to Seaside Neighborhood: Harry E. Baker and the Development of Cape Cottage Park 1898-1942

Chuck Drake presebnted the fascinating and nostalgic story of the Cape Cottage Casino area, and its transition from a trolley park to a waterfront neighborhood. The tale starts in 1898, when the Casino was originally built, and continues to 1942 and the beginning of World War II. Chuck showed vintage photos of the Casino and the houses built on the property.He also presented a short biography of Harry E. Baker, Cape’s first townwide real estate developer.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - Sea Rescues - Present and Past

Cape Rescue Team members presented a program on sea rescues past and present that have taken place in our region of Maine. The WETeam will talked about their history and their most recent rescues. The audience offered several rounds of applause for these brave people!

Tuesday, February 13 - Cape’s Wandering Schoolhouses – And the one that stayed put

A presentation by Ellen Van Fleet and Bob Dodd, based on a Power Point presentation created by Zoe Bugard. Ever heard of the Ridgeway Schoolhouse? Do you know where it was located? At the time of separation from South Portland in 1898, Cape Elizabeth had four one-room schoolhouses: Bowery Beach, Pond Cove, Spurwink and Ridgeway. Three of the four shuffled around to various sites throughout town history. One stayed put (that is, it remains at its original location today). Together these one-room centers of learning educated generations of Cape Elizabeth children.


Tuesday, December 12 - What the Heck is a Cunner?

A presentation by Matt Taylor, the most senior member of the Venerable Cunner Association and Propeller Club, reportedly the oldest registered social club in America. 

A  slide show presented by Paul Lawton, Esquire, Naval Historian on the USS Eagle. On 23 April 1945, while towing targets for U.S. Navy bomber exercises off the coast of Maine, Eagle 56 was sunk by the German submarine U-853. The loss was classified as a boiler explosion until 2001, when historical evidence convinced the U.S. Navy to reclassify the sinking as a combat loss due to enemy action. Only 13 of the 62 crew survived. 

Saturday, July 15 - Yard sale to raise money for CEHPS

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - A Fallen Star

CEHPS and the Thomas Memorial Library joined forces to co-sponsor a book launch. "A Fallen Star" by writer/historian Lori-Suzanne Dell, which chronicles the muder of Cumberland County Deputy Sheriff, Ebenezer Parker, a Cape Elizabeth resident.

Thursday, May 11, 2023 - Annual Meeting

2023 Anual Meeting with election of officers, followed by program. Jim Rowe took us through a brief history of CEHPS, culminating with our arrival at our new home at Fort Williams.

2021-2022 Programs


2020 Programs

Monday, September 9

Architect Joe Chalet presented preliminary plans for the Spurwink School House.

Monday, October 7

Jim Rowe led a tour of Fort Williams to share the history of the fort and Portland Head Light.

Monday, November 4

We were delighted to welcome musician, music historian, and "one-person folk festival" Katherine Rhoda to our regular monthly meeting at 7:00 P.M at the Cape Elizabeth Community Center. Ms. Rhoda taught us about (and played) the zither!

Monday, December 2

December program was our Christmas Pot Luck Dinner at 6:30 PM at Cape Elizabeth Community Center.

2019 Programs

Monday, January 7

Ice harvesting in New England. Dick Kempton presented local ice harvesting history along with a film on ice harvesting from Northeast Historic films. Meeting held at 6:30 PM at Cape Elizabeth Community Center

Monday, March 2

Lee Humiston, Director/Curator of Maine Military Museum spoke on military events and people from the local area. He served 26 years in the Air Force. Meeting held at Cape Community Center, 7:00 P.M.